"How To Raise Money For Your Organization In A Fun & Entertaining Way With Video Horse Racing"

Do you want to learn how to raise funds for your organization with a video horse race? My name is "Racin" Jason Christopher and I can help. I have developed a fun evening out for  fundraiser organizations that is guaranteed to make your participants have fun at the same time.

The races program is very much like being at the track, with a couple of exceptions:

1. The races are on film--Actually, DVD/Digital using state-of-the-art HD projectors--If your race caller still uses 8 MM film, WATCH OUT! Your guests that paid good money to come to your event may not be able to even see the races since they're such poor quality!

2. The bet is on WIN ONLY--There is no PLACE or SHOW bet.

3. The payout is determined by the amount of winners in each race.

4. People place a wager on which horse they think will win each of the 10 races.

I also have some other great fundraising ideas that I've collected over the past number of years doing this to help make your fundraiser even better that is included when you decide to book my services.

Get Your FREE Race Fundraiser Planning Guide Below

Start with the basics and then really amp up your success with my advanced planning guides and fundraiser ideas. 


What You'll Learn

Find The Right Audience

So that you can really capitalize on your group and raising needed funds!

Call to Action

Get your audience up out of their seats and at those betting tables. 

Find Sponsors

To Really boost your profits. 


Cut the Fluff

Learn secrets to cut down the time at your races to make them fly by! 


What Do Other Organizations Say About My Race Calling Services?

"The Crowd loved it and thought you were an amazing caller...the interaction with the crowd was wonderful [and] I a had a ton of compliments on how your enthusiasm was great. Pier [the fire hall manager] has had many races in that venue and has said that you were the best he has ever seen."

Darby Zerbini--Westmoreland Rotary Club

"We exceeded our revenue projection by a large percentage and much of that credit goes to you. Thank you again for all of your help in making the fundraiser the most successful in our history"

Bill Ruhe, Pine Richland Women's Lacrosse Booster Club

"The races were so clear and could be seen by everyone and you were announcing them so well."

Jamie Kepple Midway St. Clair VFD Ladies Auxilary President

P.S. Just for requesting information, I'll send you a copy of the report "The 9 Biggest Mistakes Organizations Make When Hiring Their Race Caller...And How To Avoid Them!". Warning! Don't hire your next race caller until you read this shocking report.

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